Orchestrating Your Holiday Season: An Interview with Santa Claus 

Yes, yes, you read that right, we interviewed Santa Claus (or holiday project manager, for short). He kindly shared with us his quick tips for orchestrating end-of-year celebrations. So get your reindeer ready, what follows is an interview like no other!
Reading time
3 min
Written by
Maëlle Advocat-Courageot

Orchestrating Your Holiday Season: An Interview with Santa Claus 

Yes, yes, you read that right, we interviewed Santa Claus (or holiday project manager, for short). He kindly shared with us his quick tips for orchestrating end-of-year celebrations. So get your reindeer ready, what follows is an interview like no other!
Reading time
3 min
Written by
Maëlle Advocat-Courageot

Orchestrating Your Holiday Season: An Interview with Santa Claus 

Yes, yes, you read that right, we interviewed Santa Claus (or holiday project manager, for short). He kindly shared with us his quick tips for orchestrating end-of-year celebrations. So get your reindeer ready, what follows is an interview like no other!
Reading time
3 min
Written by
Maëlle Advocat-Courageot

At Lulu, we love to create magical moments. Our projects are driven by teamwork, the smiles of our clients, and the creativity of our projects. We especially appreciate the holiday season, and all the Christmas parties that ensue. It is also during this period that we add a very special collaborator to our projects: THE emblematic effigy of Christmas himself!

Speaking of which, this year we had the honour of chatting with him. Yes, yes, you read that right, we interviewed Santa Claus (or holiday project manager, for short). He kindly shared with us his quick tips for orchestrating end-of-year celebrations. So get your reindeer ready, what follows is an interview like no other!


Can you tell us more about the work you do during the holiday season? 

Ah, the holiday season… My favourite season! I like to say that my primary role is orchestrating a symphony of festivities. Of course, this requires preparation, organization, and collaboration, and I just love it! Naturally, I don’t do all this entirely on my own. Teamwork is paramount for an event like Christmas. I’ve got my little helpers, my elves!

Together, our mission is to build magical moments. We love bringing people together in this holiday season!

As you might imagine, it’s a bit like preparing a unique annual event for billions of people around the world. Sure, okay, just as simple as that. This means that I am project manager, magician, and orchestra all rollled into one! But with unparalleled logistics!


How do you manage the logistics of delivering gifts all around the world in a single night?


There’s magic behind the scenes, but it’s also a matter of planning, and it relies on beautiful bonds of trust!
I coordinate with my elves to make gifts, manage the list of good children (or a little less good…), ensure my reindeer are ready to go, and process geolocation data in real time to plan the perfect route!

A global roadmap is essential! Sometimes, my elves and I can start to feel overwhelmed. We then take a deep breath, listen to a bit of Mariah Carey, and get right back to it! With years of experience, you too can end up wonderfully mastering this holiday season symphony.

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How do you create magic every year?

I’m a bit like an interior decorator at heart. Art direction is extremely important. No matter where I go, I know what my global customer base expects. So I do my best to surpass their expectations: decorations, gifts, and special little touches, I go all out!

I would say that in order to create magic, it is essential to first listen, to be observant, creative (and even a bit obsessive!)


How do you deal with the unexpected on Christmas Eve?

Even the magic of Christmas is not mother-nature-proof. Snowstorms, blizzards, ice storms… I’ve seen it all! When you’re travelng around the world overnight, you have to be prepared.
It is essential to have a contingency plan! With my elves, we anticipate all possible problems. Broken sleds, reindeer strikes, narrow chimneys… Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C are all in order!

Over the years, we have been able to sharpen our problem-solving skills. We like to say that we are almost unbeatable in that regard (in all modesty!)

As you can see, Santa’s compass is the smile of his clients, and creativity is his main driving force. So, whether you’re planning an event or simply enjoying the winter festivities, heed the advice of the bearded man in red: be creative, and above all, never lose your sense of wonder. That’s the real magic of the holidays!

*For practical reasons, we’ve used Santa Claus, but of course, it’s up to you to choose your own iconic Christmas figure!